Our Rams
Rams are the clincher in any flock. They contribute 50% of the genetic material to the flock every year. In my mind they must be of the very best quality to ensure continued improvement in the Fiber Flock. All of our rams are quite and docile. I am cautious and watchful when working with my rams, but I have never had to do more than a smart smack on the nose to make them back off if they are crowding me while I clean water pans or refill mineral holders.
our main sire 'BWT Ba
Bazinga is a one of a kind ram that came to us from Laura Volkman’s flock at Queso Cabeza Farm. He is a gentle ram that will come up to be scratched whenever he sees a person. After shearing, his fleece starts coming back in little ringlets, just like a lamb fleece!!!
Fabulous fleece, meaty, square, heat tolerant, we look for him to produce lambs with size, good conformation and excellent fleeces.
Bilbo- hey what are you doing?
A handsome large twin ram out of Wisteria (solid moorit ewe), by Zorro (black, spotted ram). Bilbo has a gorgeous fleece, excellent conformation with nice topline, good depth of chest and a good rump. He is black with white spotting and carries moorit. This ram will be paired with our biggest, widest bodied ewes in hope of add width to the lambs.
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